Loosely based on the 1970’s board game, MSTRMND is an interactive logic and ear-training game that combines auditory and visual memory with spatial perception to create a multi-sensory cognitive challenge. The object of the game is to correctly repeat a computer’s randomly generated growing sequence of sound and light signals, increasing in complexity as the player progresses.
In collaboration with:
Maxwell Woods: Composer
Stephen Henderson: Technical Assistant
Jessica In, Parker Heyl: Supervisors
Maxwell Woods: Composer
Stephen Henderson: Technical Assistant
Jessica In, Parker Heyl: Supervisors

MSTRMND is a single or multi-player logic game that tests complex skills and strategies in trials of experimentation and evaluation. Each color, has been encoded to a corresponding synesthetic sound, intended to create cross-sensory associations within the brain. Through this new embodied method, the players entire body becomes the controller of the game. This approach to more embodied sound and color associations is intended to enhance memory by incorporating visuo-spatial associations with multi-sensory processing.